A Zambian Journalist – In Pursuit of three freedoms


Author: Mike Daka

Year Published; 2020

ISBN: 978-9982-24-117-5



A Journalist in Search of Three Freedoms Although this book primarily deals with the development of journalism and media in Zambia and Southern Africa, it also covers the early history of the development of Zambia’s capital city, Lusaka, for this was both the time and the place of the author’s growing up. The author worked as a reporter and editor in government owned media, ran a national and regional media training institute, and was the owner and director of a local radio station in Chipata which he established. His work was conducted in three political periods: that of the United National Independence Party (UNIP) one party state, the change to multiparty democracy led by the Movement for Multiparty Democracy (MMD) and then the government of the Patriotic Front (PF). The author shares his experiences and challenges in working in an environment strongly influenced by these political parties and their governments.


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